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Deep Hiarcs 14 Uci Chess Engine !NEW! Download

HIARCS is a chess engine and is available by softwaredownload only. It requires a PC running MS Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 (all versions 32 & 64 bit) with a UCI compatible GUI (a Graphical User Interface is not included in the package). We recommend the excellentHIARCS Chess Explorer GUI which supports UCI chess engines like HIARCS UCI.

Deep hiarcs 14 uci chess engine download

HIARCS is a multiple World Championship winning computer chess program, four time World Chess Software Champion and World Computer Chess Champion. HIARCS is the chess program generally used by five time World Chess Champion Vishy Anand and used by Garry Kasparov in his preparation for Deep Blue2. The most advanced HIARCS 15 chess engines are included with HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro.

You can purchase HIARCS Chess Explorer and HCE Pro, opening books, and many time World Champion HIARCS and Deep Junior chess engines direct from the developers only on this website. HIARCS Chess Software is proud sponsor of the International Correspondence Chess Federation.

HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro is a new highly advanced chess database, analysis and playing program for PC Windows and Apple Mac computers. It offers a very powerful user interface with the strongest ever HIARCS chess engine and world class chess database features. This unique combination offers easy to use features managing chess databases, preparation, analysis, play and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmasters and beyond.New HCE Pro version 1.1 with HIARCS 15.1 now available.

HIARCS Chess Explorer is the established classic chess software for PGN chess database, analysis and game playing on Apple Mac and PC Windows. It offers an intuitive graphical user interface together with the World Chess Software Champion HIARCS 14 chess engine. It includes many features for managing your chess databases, preparation, analysis and play for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmaster.

HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro and HIARCS Chess Explorer comes with its own chess opening book at the time of the release. However, many chess players need to remain up to date with the latest chess opening theory throughout the year and online chess engine players like to have the latest, broadest and strongest chess opening books. For many years HIARCS has had the strongest opening book available and it keeps getting stronger with every release. We have even supplied the HIARCS tournament chess opening book to help many time World Chess Champion, Vishy Anand's team prepare for matches and tournaments.

You require HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro or a Chessbase/Fritz GUI for CTG, HIARCS chess engine for HCS or HIARCS Chess on iPhone/iPad for HBG. The HCS format book can be used by HIARCS engines on Mac and PC.

HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro is a new highly advanced chess database, analysis and playing program for PC Windows computers. It offers a very powerful user interface with the strongest ever HIARCS chess engine and world class chess database features. This advanced software supports major chess database formats from Chessbase CBH and CBV files, the chess standard PGN and the new fast and powerful HCE format which supports huge databases only limited by memory. Move your chess forward with the best chess software for PC Windows. This unique combination offers easy to use features managing chess databases, preparation, analysis, play and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmasters and beyond.New HCE Pro version 1.1 with HIARCS 15.1 now available.

HIARCS Chess Explorer is the established best chess software for chess database, analysis and game playing on PC Windows. It offers an intuitive graphical user interface with powerful features together with the World Chess Software Champion HIARCS 14 chess engine. The product is refreshingly easy to use and includes many features for managing chess databases, chess preparation, analysis and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmaster.

HIARCS (Hiarcs),an UCI compliant chess engine written by Mark Uniacke. HIARCS is an acronym for Higher Intelligence Auto Response Chess System, and its history of development lasts over 30 years now. Because HIARCS is written portable in C, it is available for multiple platforms such as Pocket PC, Palm, Apple iPhone & iPod Touch, PDAs, PC and Macintosh computers.

HIARCS is commercially available since 1991. PC- and Windows versions until 12.0 were market as ChessBase engine in conjunction with the Fritz GUI [9] , PC Chess HIARCS 13 UCI is purchased as download product from its own site [10] , and requires a Windows PC and an external GUI supporting the UCI protocol. HIARCS 12.1 and 13 are the chess engines of Pocket Fritz by ChessBase [11] [12] .

Since August 2012, HIARCS has its own GUI. The HIARCS Chess Explorer is bundled with HIARCS 14, based on the program which won the WCSC 2011, and can further be used with any UCI compatible chess engine [13] .

HIARCS 12 MP UCI - a chess program that can do more than calculate.HIARCS is famous for its human-like playing style and its ability to come up with the unexpected. Recent HIARCS versions are renowned for sharp attacking chess and a never say die attitude to their play. In HIARCS 12 this playing style has been positively enhanced through a new deeper search and evaluation of dynamic possibilities.

HIARCS Chess Explorer is a superb new chess database, analysis and playing program for either PC Windows or Apple Macintosh computers. It offers a truly innovative and intuitive new graphical user interface together with the reigning World Chess Software Champion HIARCS 14 chess engine. This unique combination is refreshingly easy to use and includes many unique new features for managing chess databases, chess preparation, analysis and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmaster.

HIARCS Chess Explorer An innovative and powerful new chess software application for PC and Mac offering chess players of all abilities the unique combination of the World Chess Software Champion HIARCS chess engine together with a powerful, intuitive and easy to use multi-platform, multi-lingual chess graphical user interface.


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